As promised, here’s the information you want to transform the look and performance of your garage floors, either as a DIY project or having us do it for you. Please click the appropriate link above.
Done for you option
If you’d like Gemstone to do the job for you, here’s some things to consider.
Durability, robustness and longevity
Slip resistant or smooth finish
Plain colour or decorative appearance
Warranty or no warranty
Completed and ready in a single day or ready in 4-5 days
The quality of the final appearance and finish
Flooring systems available with relative pros and cons
Epoxy Coatings

Prices from £900 for single garage
High Gloss Finish
Relatively Inexpensive
Medium durability
Anti-slip available
Good choice of colours
Good wear resistance in the first 4-5 years
Slow drying times (12-24 hours to dry between coats and 5 days full cure)
No warranty from the manufacturer
Will require a recoat in approx. 4-5 years depending on wear and tear
Only a thin coating (less than 1mm), so will show irregularities in the floor surface
Limited odour during installation
Fast Cure MMA Resin System